Academic Engagement Program

Tailored Support Above and Beyond

The Academic Engagement Program at ITAC is designed to offer personalised, ongoing support to our adult learners. Staffed by a dedicated team of seasoned professionals, the program proactively reaches out to students to provide assistance, monitor progress, and break down barriers to success. We believe in fostering a supportive and interactive learning environment, setting us apart from traditional educational settings that may lack such active engagement. Thanks to programs such as this, and our dedicated staff, almost 90% of ITAC students complete their program.

Smiling teacher aide standing infront of a whiteobard in a classroom setting.

Core Features of our Academic Engagement Program

Proactive Student Check-Ins

  • Regular, scheduled touchpoints with students to monitor academic progress and wellbeing.
  • Tailored guidance on how to overcome any educational challenges, whether they are assignment-related or broader issues affecting study.
  • Timely interventions to help students who may be falling behind, ensuring they have the resources and strategies to get back on track.
  • A friendly face to help students through times of challenge and frustration.
  • General advice on career and other related matters, including industry trends and changes, and how they affect each individual.

Virtual Catch-Ups

  • Weekly virtual meetings with students to discuss challenging aspects of their studies, as well as soft skills such as goal setting, routines, and planning for academic improvement.
  • Flexibility in scheduling, making it easier for adult learners to participate despite their other commitments. Attend live or watch recorded catchups at a convenient time.
  • A forum for students to ask questions, seek advice, and get direct support from a mentor with decades of school-based experience.

Career and Life Guidance

  • Personalised discussions on career goals, helping students to align their academic journey with their professional objectives.
  • Provision of useful resources, such as industry reports and job market trends, to guide decision-making.
  • Resources and templates to help students achieve their goal, tailored for support work.

Personalised Success Advocacy

  • A dedicated team who acts as a student's advocate within the institution, helping to navigate administrative or academic issues.
  • Collaborative development of a personalised learning plan for academic success, including goal setting and milestone tracking.
  • Emotional support and encouragement to help students persevere through the ups and downs of their educational journey.

In Summary

The Academic Engagement Program stands as an invaluable asset in ITAC's suite of student support services, elevating us well above industry norms. With an exclusive focus on adult learners, this program sets the gold standard for academic and personal support, offering a blend of proactive check-ins, virtual catch-ups, and comprehensive career guidance. It's not just about getting you through your course; it's about setting you up for long-term success in your career. With a dedicated team of experienced professionals and a multitude of resources, this program is exclusively available for ITAC students and underscores our commitment to student success.

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Enrolments Open
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