Course and Enrolment FAQ

Your Top Questions Answered

Teacher assistant and primary school student using a laptop inside an Australian classroom.

Start your education support career with ITAC's industry-leading courses, designed for busy adult learners across Australia. Our flexible online learning platform, combined with local trainer support and practical placements, offers a perfect blend of convenience and quality instruction.

Key points:

  • Nationwide accessibility with local support
  • Flexible online learning
  • Practical placement in schools near you
  • Experienced trainers in major cities across Australia
  • Comprehensive support services
  • No essays or exams
  • 18-month enrolment duration for flexibility
  • Interactive e-learning modules
  • Course duration varies by experience
  • Average 6-12 study hours per week

Our courses are designed with busy adult learners in mind:

  • Standard completion time: 26 weeks (approximately 600 hours)
  • Flexible 18-month enrolment period to accommodate various learning paces
  • Recommended weekly commitment: 15-20 hours, but this can be adjusted to suit your schedule
  • Our unique integrated structure saves you time compared to traditional unit-by-unit approaches

  • 100 hours of hands-on experience in a local school setting
  • Flexible scheduling to fit around your commitments
  • Support from our experienced local trainers, including on-site visits
  • Opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real classroom environments
  • Potential pathway to paid employment

We offer three main pathways:

  1. CHC30221 Certificate III in School Based Education Support: Ideal for those new to education or learning English
  2. CHC40221 Certificate IV in School Based Education Support: Industry standard, essential for most education support roles
  3. Teacher Aide Combo (most recommended): Combines both certificates, providing a comprehensive skill set and enhanced employability

Our friendly advisors can help you choose the best option based on your experience and career goals.

We offer flexible study options to suit various lifestyles:

  • Online: Study from anywhere in Australia with full support
  • Class-based: Available in Western Australia, offering one-day-per-week workshops
  • Accelerated: For those with significant work and life experience

All modes are structured, supported by experienced trainers, and designed with adult learners in mind.

We pride ourselves on our comprehensive support services:

  • Experienced local trainers in all major areas of Australia
  • Regular contact through phone, email, and weekly live Q&A sessions
  • MumED program for parents balancing study with family commitments
  • Academic Engagement Program for additional guidance
  • JobAssist program to help with placement and employment opportunities

We offer flexible, interest-free payment plans to suit your budget:

  • Various durations available (3, 6, 9, or 12 months)
  • Weekly, fortnightly, or monthly payment options
  • No hidden fees or interest charges

Our assessment methods are designed to be practical and stress-free:

  • Short-answer questions and knowledge checks
  • Work-based projects and portfolio development
  • Practical tasks demonstrating skills in real educational settings
  • No exams or essays

Graduates are qualified for various roles in the Australian education system, including:

  • Teacher's aide/assistant in mainstream classrooms
  • Special education support worker
  • Indigenous education assistant
  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) support

Our JobAssist program connects graduates with opportunities in schools across Australia.

Absolutely! Our online study mode allows you to complete the course from anywhere in Australia. You'll receive the same high-quality support as our city-based students, including:

  • Access to experienced local trainers
  • Regular online interactions
  • Support in finding local placement opportunities

Our innovative integrated structure:

  • Consolidates traditional unit-based learning into four comprehensive work-based modules
  • Eliminates repetitive content, saving you time and streamlining your learning
  • Allows you to complete qualifications faster, potentially saving 6-12 months compared to traditional approaches
  • Maintains the same high standards and learning outcomes as traditional courses
  • Is particularly beneficial in our Education Support Combo, allowing you to gain two qualifications in little more time than it takes to complete one

Education assistant supervising students in an australian classroom.

This family-friendly approach helps you balance your studies with other commitments and start your new career sooner.

Begin your journey:
Start today with local support.

Enrolments Open
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